Cpap cipapku

What is Cpap!?

In 1981 Drs. Sullivan, Berthon-Jones, Issa and Eves from Australia published the
first account of treating sleep apnea patients with continuous positive airway
pressure (CPAP) thus initiating the most common and successful treatment,
currently known, for this disorder.

How can Cpap treatment help?

Cpap treatment is used with the majority patients who suffer from obstructive
sleep apnea. With Cpap treatment, the patient wears a snugly fit nasal mask
connected to a cpap machine. The cpap allows the patience to breath freely by
blowing air into the nostrils to keep the airway passages open during sleep.

Where can I get a Cpap machine?

Before using any type of treatment for sleep apnea, such as cpap treatment, you
should consult your doctor. Your doctor will inform you as to what is the best
treatment for your condition and may recommend using a cpap machine.